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Dream about White Yarn

Dream about white yarn symbolises your search for stability and security. You need to pull yourself away from a situation and look at it from afar. You are involved in some secretive or underhanded activity. This dream symbolises a need to clean up you behavior and change your childish ways. Perhaps you are being too self-centered.

White yarn is a clue for your emotional persona and how you navigate through the various situations in your life. You will encounter obstacles, questions and difficulties, but it is necessary for growth and progress. You are closing yourself off from others. Your dream signals some inner conflict within yourself. Something is eating away at your subconscious.

White yarn in dream symbolises control, hope, determination, possession or endurance. You need to carefully plan out your next move. You need to be more versatile in a situation. The dream is an omen for small or minor growth that is occurring in your life. You may be expressing a desire to wipe out some aspect of yourself.

Dream about white yarn states your carelessness concerning your health

You need to be more focused on your tasks or goals. You are willing to go to any lengths in order to get the information you need. The dream is a signal for the innocence and carefreeness of being a child. You need to take a more unconventional approach to a situation.

White yarn signifies reinforcing your sense of responsibility. You need to be more compassionate. Maybe you are afraid that you won’t measure up to a particular person or task in your life. The dream states the merging of various aspects of your character and personality. You are being kept out of some activity or situation.

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