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Dream about Trees Dying

Dream about trees dying is a warning signal for your choices or ambivalence about some situation. You feel that your mother or some motherly figure in your life is not being responsive to your needs. You are trying to protect or insulate yourself from the harsh realities. This dream signals grief, sorrow and regrets. You are letting your cold hard feelings control your behavior.

Trees dying is unfortunately a warning for disappointments or unexpected failures. You are feeling overshadowed, overlooked or neglected. You need to verbalize and express your negative feelings in order to get on the path to forgiveness. The dream stands for some cold, hard emotion. You have too much on your plate.

Trees dying in dream is an evidence for your rigid attitudes. You feel that you cannot do anything. You need to reconsider some issue or situation before committing to it. Your dream is unfortunately your aspirations for fame. You are going nowhere in your work, relationship or other situation.

Dream about trees dying is an omen for a relationship or business project that may be too big to handle

You need to stop trying to be in the middle of things and stop trying to fix things. Someone is forcing their views on you. This dream refers to your successes or failures depending if your team won or lost. You are experiencing a major shake-up that is threatening your stability and foundation.

Trees dying is a harbinger for a project or plan that was poorly thought out. You may feel rejected, excluded and cut off from social/family ties. You need to get away from the demands of your daily life. Your dream is a warning for a focal point and learn to balance your choices. You are not fitting into some group situation.

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