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Dream about Swatting Bugs

Dream about swatting bugs denotes your carelessness in some aspect of your life. You need to reconsider the direction in your life and to rethink the path you are taking. You feel someone around you is taking advantage of you and feeding off your kind heartedness. The dream points to the many obstacles and issues in your life. You may also be afraid of getting close to some relationship or situation.

Swatting bugs is an omen for your need to belong and to fit in to a larger group. You are holding back something. Perhaps your time is running out and you need to come to a decision about some issue. Your dream points to deceit. Someone may be indirectly asking for help.

Swatting bugs in dream means dependability and security. Perhaps you feel that an important aspect of yourself is missing. You are being taken for granted or being unable to freely express yourself. Your dream is about your desires to control others. You are making a rash decision.

Dream about swatting bugs is about your patriotism and devotion to country

You need to be invigorated and revitalized. You are in denial about something. Your dream expresses pureness and faith. There is a deep secret that you are trying to prevent from coming out.

Swatting bugs suggests unrequited love. You have made a poor judgment. You are searching through your subconscious for a better understanding of yourself. Your dream is a sign for some sort of entitlement. You tend to play the role of the victim.

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