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Dream about Someone With A Broken Leg

Dream about someone with a broken leg is a message for your indifference to some situation or person. You are feeling confined and restricted in your job, career, health, or a personal relationship. You need to be aware of dishonest people around you. The dream is sadly an alert for your fears of being abandoned. You feel insecure or threatened.

Someone with a broken leg hints tension or excitability. You are feeling trapped in a situation. Your logic is not making sense. The dream is a hint for your fears of intimacy or commitment. Someone may be trying to pass off an idea as their own.

Someone with a broken leg in dream unfortunately draws attention to a situation where you need to be neutral and not pick sides. You need to be less arrogant and assertive in your situations. You should slow down in your business and personal affairs. This dream is an omen for sadness and a need to be uplifted. You feel you are not in control of things.

Dream about someone with a broken leg is an omen for your latent paranormal abilities

Your ideas are not receiving enough attention and validation. You may be unsatisfied with your present relationship. This dream is a harbinger for an immature relationship. Perhaps someone does not know how to mind their business.

Someone with a broken leg is about a loss to your individuality. You are too overly concerned with what other people think about you. You lack leadership abilities. This dream is unfortunately a warning signal for an end to your greedy or lazy nature. Some situation or relationship is not going smoothly in your life.

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