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Dream about Someone Shooting Everyone

Dream about someone shooting everyone is a metaphor for destruction and unforeseen danger. An unappealing situation or person is being presented in a more palatable way. You need to focus and zero in on one issue at a time. Your dream is a signal for difficulties and difficulties that you are carrying with you. You are looking for safe and controlled release.

Someone shooting everyone is a message for your anxieties and concerns about your own inhibitions. You don’t believe in yourself and don’t feel you have something to offer. Someone tries to get you to look at something from a different perspective. Your dream is a clue for loss, loneliness and depression. You feel that there is no way out of a relationship or situation that you are in.

Someone shooting everyone in dream is about characteristics or qualities that you can learn or adopt from your descendents. Whatever comes around goes around. It is difficult for you to express your feelings. Your dream is unfortunately a loss in your feminine power. You are letting others make decisions for you.

Dream about someone shooting everyone is sadly an admonition for small annoyances and minor problems

You feel that someone is criticizing your decisions and actions. There is something that you are ready to get off your mind. The dream is a harbinger for your tendency to distance yourself from others. You have lost your groove or have taken something for granted.

Someone shooting everyone is unfortunately a warning signal for someone in your life (past or present). There are many forces governing your life that may be beyond your control and even destructive. Even though you may change your outer appearances, it does not change who you are on the inside. Your dream points to a silly or confusing situation. You may be harboring feelings of guilt and self-punishment.

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