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Dream about Someone In White Dress

Dream about someone in white dress symbolises some unresolved issues or feelings pertaining to a specific person. You are looking for a fix because you are feeling broken. You need to make a counter on some offer. Your dream is a resolution or an answer. You feel that you are literally being ripped apart.

Someone in white dress indicates a sense of security. You are too controlling. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems. Your dream is a harbinger for mobility. Perhaps you have been hiding the pain for so long that you forgot what pain feels like.

Someone in white dress in dream denotes security and rest. You may be feeling disconnected or distant from others. You need to look at the issues from a different perspective. This dream is a hint for the beginning of something new things in your life. You are feeling insecure about a relationship or situation.

Dream about someone in white dress represents your hidden talents and undeveloped abilities

You are trying to hide from the pain. You are feeling regret. Your dream is a premonition for cunningness and terror. You can freely release your emotions that may not be appropriate in your life.

Someone in white dress signals something you need to cut-out in your life. You need to swallow your pride in some situation. You need to learn from your past. This dream represents an urgency in some matter. There is something that you are trying to cover up or hide.

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