Dream about schoolmate is a hint for a flow of fresh and profound ideas. It is a time for self-reflection and self-exploration. You feel that you are undeserving. This dream is insight and meditative thought. The truth of some matter will soon be revealed to you.
Schoolmate is a metaphor for warmth, nurturance and comfort. You are wagering on something. You are questioning your goals. This dream is a harbinger for an unwavering loyalty. You are on the right track in life and headed in the right direction.
Schoolmate in dream represents luck and chance. You are acknowledging a special occasion. It is time to catch up with old friends. The dream is a metaphor for a project that you are passionate about. You have your life in order.
Dream about schoolmate suggests genuine fear
You are looking at life from a new perspective and accessing your highest potential. You are second guessing your decisions. This dream signifies self-love, self-acceptance and compassion. Something major is happening in your life that you need to prepare for it.
Schoolmate points at a new relationship, fresh beginnings or possible marriage. Perhaps you have misbehaved to somebody and are expressing your regrets. You have misspoken about some matter. This dream is a metaphor for vitality and well-directed energy which will lead to prosperity. You need to gain more insight into some situation and look beyond what is in front of you.
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