Home » Spider Dreams » Dream about Protecting A Spider

Dream about Protecting A Spider

Dream about protecting a spider denotes your repressed energy and inhibitions. You need to view a situation from a different perspective. Someone who is melancholy. This dream is a real life phobia or highlight feelings of anxiety. You are looking for some guidance.

Protecting a spider signifies the strength of your involvement in a project, situation, or relationship. You are feeling the burdens of adulthood. You are feeling defensive. This dream symbolises the elders around you. Your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world.

Protecting a spider in dream is a harbinger for the Self, wholeness and completion. You are giving in too much into your impulses. You are feeling crowded in or that others are invading your personal space. The dream denotes higher knowledge. You need to pay closer attention to a situation before acting on it.

Dream about protecting a spider indicates a transformation

You need to face reality. You tend to watch things happen instead of taking control. Your dream is sometimes your goals, aspirations and ideals. You are being swayed by some negative influences in your life.

Protecting a spider represents self-guilt and unnurtured feelings. You need to better contain your your emotions. You need to draw-out or recognize some aspect of yourself. Your dream points at your determination, ambition and struggle. Things may look fine on the surface, but some problem still persists underneath.

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