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Dream about Newborn

Dream about newborn is sometimes your intimate self and discovery of your emotions. A person has a strong hold on you despite your efforts to break free from the unhealthy relationship. You are taking a passive role in your life. This dream is a hint for devotion, obedience and spiritual enlightenment. You feel restricted from what you really want to do.

Newborn is a portent for your spirituality; the body, mind and spirit. You are seeking clarity in a situation. You may be bottling up your emotions. The dream denotes serenity, peace, love and fate. You are acknowledging your new choices, decisions and a new sense of freedom.

Newborn in dream means happiness, celebration and joviality. You need to express your feelings and take in the positive influences in your life needed for personal growth. You are uncovering some unused talent. Your dream hints working together toward a common goal. You need to ignite in your life.

Dream about newborn denotes the importance of spiritual and psychological riches

You need to speak up and address what is bothering you. You need more spontaneity and vitality in your life. Your dream points at harmony, intimacy, merriness, prosperous undertakings, personal gain and joyous spirits. You are refusing to confront some issue or problem.

Newborn states spiritual refreshment. You are experiencing a rocky period in your life. You are making a great personal sacrifice. Your dream symbolises personal growth or a rise in your current status. You are feeling emotionally charged.

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