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Dream about Ghost Following Me

Dream about ghost following me points at cleansing of past sins. You are driving people away or turning them off. You are addressing feelings that you have been ignoring or suppressing for too long. The dream is your don’t care attitude. You need to take some time out in order to evaluate your decisions and judgment carefully.

Ghost following me points to repressed desires and unexpressed emotions that are on the verge of exploding or bursting if not dealt with soon. There are issues you are not confronting with her or him. Perhaps you are lacking some qualities or components in your life. Your dream denotes an aspect of yourself that is not working or functioning as well as it should. You constantly find things going wrong.

Ghost following me in dream hints an attack on your masculinity if you are a male. There is a void that you are unable to fill. You may need to take a friendlier approach toward a situation. Your dream is unfortunately a warning for minor irritations and annoyances. You are not able to shake someone off your back.

Dream about ghost following me is an admonition for outdated attitudes former relationships and old ways of thinking

You are experiencing feelings of anxiety and discomfort. You need to find a productive way to express your feelings before it grows out of control. Your dream is a hint for your inability to place your trust in someone. You feel trapped and do not know what to do or where to go.

Ghost following me is a sign for restrictions and limitations. You are experiencing regret or remorse over your past actions. You are slowly warming up to an idea, person or situation. This dream is a metaphor for friction, stemming from disagreements or from different ways of doing things. Perhaps you are feeling inadequate and that you don’t measure up.

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