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Dream about Coughing Up Money

Dream about coughing up money is a harbinger for a hard and difficult journey or path. You are being recognized for your good character. You need some intellectual stimulation. This dream denotes a failed relationship or a failed business endeavor. You are experiencing upward mobility or progressing toward your goals.

Coughing up money is sadly an alert for your fear of facing a harsh reality. You are shutting others out and blocking out some hurt. You are pushing your limits and overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of your goals. This dream is a message for your inability to make connections. You do not want to go home.

Coughing up money in dream is an admonition for your protective instincts and attentiveness to a situation. You are avoiding the situation, instead of confronting them. You are lacking conviction in what you are saying. Your dream signals a major annoyance or frustration in your life. You are too trusting.

Dream about coughing up money is sadly some self-doubt or issues with your self-image

You are lacking self-confidence and having doubt in your ability to reach your goals. You may feel the need to be protected and cared for. The dream draws attention to your immaturity and lack of experience. You have something that needs to be expressed and get out in the open.

Coughing up money stands for a major conflict in your life. You feel you are unable to full express yourself. You are leaving too much to chance. Your dream is a premonition for painful memories that is emerging from your subconscious. You are not taking responsibility or stepping up to resolve issues that concern you in your life.

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