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Dream about Church Clothes

Dream about church clothes refers to vitality and happiness. You are connected and well in tune with an aspect of yourself. You feel at ease and that you can be yourself. Your dream is sometimes feminine power and change. You are going through an important transition.

Church clothes is a premonition for harmony and friendship in your life. You dare someone to do something. You are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. This dream represents something is about to be completed in your life. You are feeling stimulated mentally.

Church clothes in dream is an evidence for your ability to give love. Some current knowledge or information will help you or someone in the future. Ou are using your imagination and exploring possibilities. The dream refers to an exciting end to something. You are making a career change or getting a promotion.

Dream about church clothes symbolises joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance and love

You are taking an indirect approach. You need to pay attention to the power and impact of your own words. The dream indicates self-exploration and discovery. Whatever you are looking for in life seems to be moving away from you.

Church clothes refers to a person who is great looking or perhaps you are lusting after someone. You are content with the way your life is going. You are expressing your tender side and a desire to be close to someone. The dream suggests an uplift in your spirituality and increase in your self-confidence. It is about doing something good without having any expectations in return.

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