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Dream about Black Ghost

Dream about black ghost is sadly a warning alert for your don’t care attitude. After being alone for awhile, you are looking for a relationship. There is a void in your life and it is waiting to be filled. Your dream signifies your need to vent off your frustrations and get things out in the open. You are not giving enough attention to some relationship.

Black ghost indicates bitterness, jealousy, or rivalry in your family, depending on your relationship with your family. You are trying to put on a tough or mean face. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up. The dream is a harbinger for suppressed emotions that are coming to the surface and needing to be addressed. Are holding your emotions back and not expressing yourself.

Black ghost in dream is a harbinger for faked or forced passion. You may be experiencing work difficulties or work-related stress. You are too overly concerned with what other people think about you. This dream expresses aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to incorporate and acknowledge. A situation in your life may parallel a situation from your past.

Dream about black ghost states your inability to look beyond the past

You are feeling confined and restricted. You are considering the positives and negatives of a situation. Your dream is a clue for your issues of death and dying. This death may be symbolic as in an end to something in your life. There is a significant change that is quickly approaching.

Black ghost is a symbol for financial worries and how you are trying to make the numbers work for you. You feel that someone else is not pulling their own weight and you have to support them. You are not being receptive to new ideas and viewpoints. Your dream is a warning signal for your tendency to control or manipulate someone or some situation. You are not letting others see your true colors.

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