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Dream about Being Deaf

Dream about being deaf is a symbol for unknown danger lurking from the depths of your subconscious. You need to gather your attention into your life and accept some difficult situation. You need to incorporate the qualities of a good person into your self. Your dream indicates your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some situation. Perhaps you are near your breaking point.

Being deaf is an evidence for some aspect of yourself or some area in your life. You may be hesitant in pursuing a new direction in your life due to fear, pressure, personal conflict or moral obligation. Perhaps you need to confess something. Your dream expresses your desires for a dream holiday. You are overextending yourself or overstepping your boundaries.

Being deaf in dream points at your continuous flow of ideas. You need to focus your attention and concentrate on one task at a time. You are looking at your problems from a different perspective. Your dream is a metaphor for original thought or old ways of thinking. You are being deceptive and manipulative.

Dream about being deaf is a harbinger for the consequences of your words

You are feeling detached from the changes that are happening around you. You are hindering your own self-growth. The dream draws attention to stress and tension in your life. Youn need to go after your ambitions.

Being deaf represents how you are coasting through life. Your vision is being impaired or clouded by something or someone. Perhaps you are not proud of something you have done. This dream represents self-confidence. You are being acknowledged for your good deeds.

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