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Dream about A Falling Person

Dream about a falling person states the meeting between your two states of mind. You need to develop an aspect of yourself and utilize your potential. xxx means that you are ready for growth. You want to convey your feelings to them. The dream is a premonition for impotence. Perhaps you feel that your opinion or words mean nothing to others.

A falling person refers to conflict between your serious and playful side. You are feeling tremendous mental strain and are trying to reach out for help. You are guarded about certain emotional issues. Your dream is a message for secrets and confusion. Some situation is in need of your immediate attention.

A falling person in dream is a premonition for your need to reach out to others. You are undergoing a long and difficult emotional period and may be an emotional threat to yourself or to others. You have not emotional attachment towards somebody. Your dream represents security and protection. You have overlooked an urgent matter or situation


Dream about a falling person is an evidence for desires for a simpler life. You or someone is being given special treatment. You are holding on to something that you need to let go. This dream is a signal for transitions and changes. Perhaps you have lost the autonomy to move forward toward your goals.

A falling person indicates much travels in your future. You are looking for some guidance. You feel you are being left behind. Your dream is about your social life. You are afraid to show your true feelings and let people in.

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